What sets podcast advertising apart: Messaging that matters
Connor Finnerty
Advertising is most effective when messaging aligns with what the audience wants – and podcasts offer marketers a wide range of options to reach their target consumers. Part 4 of our 5-part blog series highlights the importance of brand fit and relevancy in creating an effective podcast advertising campaign.

April 19, 2023

One thing that sets podcasts apart is the diversity of content. With over 2.5M podcasts available on Apple Podcasts alone, marketers can leverage podcast advertising to reach specific audiences who have interests that align with their brand. If brands are more aligned with show content, the audiences listening are more likely to respond to the message. This gives brands more options to reach their specific target audience, and makes listeners more likely to respond to ads.

This quote from HubSpot gives more insight into it this works. 

"When an ad relates to the topic of a podcast series or episode, it might feel more natural to the listener. It’s also strategically smart because listeners who are interested in this industry might identify with pain points that your service aims to solve.”

Brand fit is a hit

In short, if you advertise to the right audience – one who is more likely to resonate with your ad – they’ll be more likely to engage and buy from you. If a podcast talks about sports, then that’s a perfect place to advertise a website where you can buy cheaper tickets to games.

Alternatively, if your ad for a new liquor ends up on a podcast that celebrates sobriety, your marketing effort will not only be wasted but will potentially damage your brand. That’s why it’s important to work with an advertising partner that handles your campaign with care and builds a strategy that will benefit your brand, the listening audience, and the podcast itself.

There's a podcast for everyone, and every brand

Advertising is most effective when messaging aligns with what the audience wants, and podcasts offer marketers a wide range of options to reach their target consumers. Podcast advertising is more informative, interesting and relevant than other types of advertising, but it's also considered more trustworthy. Check back next week for the final installment in our series, What sets podcast advertising apart: Earning Listeners' Trust.

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