Elevating your message: Custom executions in podcast advertising
Bethany Shocki
Custom creative executions in podcast advertising represent an evolution in the way brands connect with audiences. Extended host reads, sequential ad placements, and branded episodes transcend traditional ad formats, offering a spectrum of possibilities to engage and captivate listeners. Read our latest blog post to understand the types of custom executions available at Soundrise.

January 18, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of podcast advertising, creativity knows no bounds. Beyond traditional ad formats, custom creative executions offer an avenue for brands to craft unique, memorable experiences for listeners. Let's explore three innovative strategies—extended host reads, sequential ad placements, and branded episodes—that elevate the impact and resonance of podcast advertising campaigns.

Extended Host Reads: Unveiling authentic narratives

Extended host reads amplify the authenticity and storytelling prowess of podcast hosts. Unlike standard ad lengths, extended reads, sometimes called Mini Stories, allow hosts to dive deeper into a brand's narrative, conveying more nuanced messages in :60 - :90 while maintaining the conversational tone that listeners cherish. This approach fosters a genuine connection between the host and the audience, allowing for a more comprehensive exploration of the brand's story, values, and offerings. By leveraging the host's credibility and rapport, extended host reads create an immersive experience that resonates long after the episode concludes.

Sequential Ad Placements: Driving brand recall

Sequential ad placements take a strategic storytelling approach across a single episode. Instead of a single ad spot, this method spreads the brand's message across multiple ad placements, creating a sequential narrative that unfolds gradually. This technique captivates listeners with a :30 pre-roll that teases a longer form segment in the post-roll (usually 2+ minutes). It ensures repeated exposure to the brand's message, reinforcing its impact and fostering brand recall with the audience.

Branded Episodes: Immersing audiences in bespoke experiences

Branded episodes are a pinnacle of custom creative executions, offering an immersive branded experience within a podcast. Collaborating with podcast creators, brands have 100% SOV in an episode that seamlessly integrates the brand's story or message into the content. This approach enables brands to provide valuable and entertaining content while organically integrating their messaging. It's an opportunity to engage listeners on a profound level, creating an unforgettable experience that leaves a lasting impression while respecting the authenticity of the podcast.

Crafting unforgettable podcast executions

Custom creative executions in podcast advertising represent an evolution in the way brands connect with audiences. Extended host reads, sequential ad placements, and branded episodes transcend traditional ad formats, offering a spectrum of possibilities to engage and captivate listeners.

By harnessing the power of storytelling, authenticity, and immersion, brands can create unforgettable experiences that resonate deeply, forging lasting connections with their audience in the dynamic world of podcast advertising. Whether it's through nuanced storytelling, strategic placement, or immersive experiences, the key lies in crafting compelling narratives that captivate, inspire, and linger in the minds and hearts of listeners long after they've hit play.

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